Polygamy law doesn’t breach religious freedom guarantee, lawyer argues

(Note from Nancy Mereska, I don’t know who the people are in this picture, but I really like the signs!)
By Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun columnist
April 1, 2011

Religious freedom is the most important guarantee in the Canadian Constitution and any limits on it must be taken very seriously. That concern about limiting religious freedom is the reason that the Christian Legal Fellowship intervened in the constitutional reference case to determine whether Canada’s polygamy law is valid, lawyer Gerald Chipeur said Friday in B.C. Supreme Court.

Photograph by: PNG, Vancouver Sun

Religious freedom is the most important guarantee in the Canadian Constitution and any limits on it must be taken very seriously.

That concern about limiting religious freedom is the reason that the Christian Legal Fellowship intervened in the constitutional reference case to determine whether Canada’s polygamy law is valid, lawyer Gerald Chipeur said Friday in B.C. Supreme Court.

One of the fellowship’s purposes in intervening in the case, he said, was to argue for “a generous reading of the guarantee of religious freedom.”

But the polygamy law does not infringe religious rights, Chipeur said in his closing argument. He also said that no weight should be given to the testimony of the fundamentalist Mormon witnesses from Bountiful, who practise polygamy. Chipeur likened their testimony to that of slaves being asked by their masters to give an opinion of slavery.

The Christian Legal Fellowship’s lawyer argued that the polygamy law is consistent with the Charter because Parliament has defined marriage as a union between two persons.

The fellowship’s position is completely opposite to that of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is another of the interested parties in the case. FLDS followers — who account for about half of the 1,000 residents in Bountiful, B.C. — have as a core belief that a man needs more than one wife to enter the highest realm of heaven. Much of the evidence in the reference case has centred on Bountiful, B.C. where fundamentalist Mormons have been practising polygamy for nearly 60 years.

The FLDS argues that the prohibition of polygamy does infringe their religious rights since they believe that men require multiple wives to reach the highest heavenly realm.

But Chipeur said, “The purpose of this reference is not to inquire into the religious beliefs of the inhabitants of Bountiful. Their religious practices can have no impact on the constitutionality of a Criminal Code provision of general application.”

The group urged Chief Justice Robert Bauman to uphold the law, but it doesn’t want to close the door on the argument.

Chipeur said the court ought to leave open the possibility that if individuals are criminally charged, they could argue that the restrictions against polygamy are not justifiable in a free and democratic society.


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